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it`s possible to stay safe on the internet (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The Net is an essential part of our contemporary life.Yet some people are ready to give up the internet altogether for safety reasons.

Im my opinion,there should be some rules for using the internet in a safer way.Going online requires a good deal of caution on your part.First abd foremost,be smart and protective with your passwords on all of your accounts online.Then make sure that your social media profiles are set to private. This ensures your safety. Once you teach yourself to follow the particular rules, you are sure to enjoy every minute of it.

Nevertheless, not all people are well aware of internet safety.Moreover, some people may irresponsibly accept friend request from strangers. They tend to underestimate the danger of such people,even if they have a mutual friend. Apart from that,others arrange to meet someone that they know online in person.You should never ever do it alone - you do not know who that person may actually be.

I am sure that if you do not take things to the edge, the internet may be quite safe.it is up to people to come up with different passwords for their different accounts.There might be all sorts of random characters,upper and lower case, numbers in such passwords to make them difficult for computer hackers to get into.

To sum up,I am firmly convinced that the internet is a blessing rather than a curse.Thus there is no point in giving it up.All we need is internet safety,but it is in our own hands.

It allows us to keep safe and enjoy our time online.


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