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Youth is the happiest time in our life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt for me that youth isn’t the happiest time in our life. Some people agree with the assumption, but somebody has the opposite opinion. Personally, I accept the first point of view for the reasons given below. To my mind the idea of not so wonderful youth seems attractive.

Firstly, adults , for example, can buy a big house , car and other things by having more money and as a result more opportunities than the youth. Secondly, a certain experience comes with ages. Actually, adults do less mistakes by becoming wiser. Thirdly, the youth always spoil their time doing useless activities. For example , they play computer games instead of acquiring high attainment level in school subject sphere or in earning money for themselves.

However, there are people who may think that youth is the most wonderful period of life. Naturally, all the youth’s worryings is the main part of the beauty of youth. When you are young, you try everything in the first time - for example you can fall in love and your feelings can be very bright and memorable. Moreover, youth is the time when you have enough energy to translate your dreams into reality. As a rule, the youth put their dreams at the top of their needs, and they don’t really care about work and such boring things. So, the majority of people assume that youth is the careless time without serious responsibilities.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this argument. I strongly believe that youth is the period when you have a lot of problems and responsibilities . At first , you feel unconfident. Especially the youth always worry about the appearance or correctness of their actions. And when you are young, you are often afraid of making important decisions, because you haven’t enough experience.

In conclusion I would like to say that I am in favour of the first opinion. I suppose that youth has a lot of downsides.


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