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What the best time of life for travel? \ What way of learning foreign languages is better? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

40.1. Many people are attracted to travel because they wanted to know something new. So this project aims to collect and analyse data about the best time of life for travel. I am going to outline several key features of the results of the poll.

The table shows that the largest percentage of participants express a preference for travel at an early age. This is explained by the fact that young people have more energy and independence to go when and where they want. Whereas about 7 per cent of respondents believe that the best time to travel is old age when you have a lot of free time.

Looking at the details, there is a difference 27 per cent among the people who chose adulthood time to go on a trip and people who want to devote the last years of their lives to travelling.

The first is about 30 per cent because at this age a person already has the most necessary things and can spend time as he wants.

The majority of respondents mentioned youth the best time to go abroad. However, in most situations young people cannot make a dream come true due to a lack of money. In order to avoid these troubles, I would suggest that universities or other educational organizations will offer opportunity to set out if the student has a good grade.

In my opinion, travelling is an integral part of our life because only real experience and real emotions help us improve.

40.2. Undoubtedly, knowing foreign languages plays an important role in our life. Doing a project, I have found an opinion poll on what way of learning foreign languages is better and collected some data. In this project I am going to outline several key features of the results of the poll.

Looking at the details, the most popular way of study is taking classes with about 70 per cent. It seems that people prefer to get a basic theory first and only then practice with an experienced teacher. The less popular way is visiting the Country, over 60 per cent think so.

The diagram illustrates how many people utilize movies and music as a way of learning foreign languages. Overall, about 50 per cent of respondents, claim that when listening to a foreign speech, you hear the correct pronunciation and get used to this language. Whereas only 30 per cent of people consider that reading books the right method of study because you memorize a lot of words and useful phrases.

It is also evident from the bar graph that many people want to visit the Country to study.

But in most situations it cannot be possible due to a lack of money. I believe that creating languages clubs where people meet, talk together and maybe even organize educational trips is the best solution to this problem.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that knowledge of languages is a big part of human life which allows you to realize yourself in different professions, make new friends and travel freely.


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