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Some people think that to get a good education they should go abroad (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays it is becoming easier and easier to travel around the world. Some people are totally convinced that getting education abroad is quite beneficial. Others are of the opinion that people can get a good education in their home country.

In my opinion, education abroad is highly demanded in cases of lack of institutions or their bad quality. To begin with, foreign universities provide students with new methods of teaching, which might be extremely helpful and boost the quality of education. For example, engineering or information technologies require special equipment, like powerful computers, whereas not all universities can afford them. In addition, students who graduate from foreign universities, get diplomas that are excepted in most European countries, that makes it easier to find a good job.

However, there are some people who oppose the idea of education abroad. They claim that education abroad can be stressful as students might have some misunderstanding in daily life, while communicating with classmates and teachers.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. I think that it is a great chance to get useful experience how to cope with people of different nations. It might be quite beneficial in the future.

To sum up, although studying in home cities might seem more stressless, I strongly believe that abroad education provides more opportunities and broadens minds. Anyway, it is up to a person which kind of education to choose.


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