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People think that to get a good education one should go abroad (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Education is an important part of everyone’s life. Nowadays youngsters tend to go abroad to enter university. Some people believe that this is the only good way to get knowledge while others say that a high-quality education can also be obtained in your own country.

As for me, I think that studying abroad have more advantaged because it can provide excellent opportunities for your future career. Firstly, while studying overseas students can easily improve their language skills and become fluent in foreign languages. Absolute immersion in the language environment is the best way to get rid of the language barrier. Furthermore, if you are in another country you can find many friends and acquaintances all over the world.

Additionally, studying abroad almost always guarantees education in the best and the most prestigious universities of the world.

However, some people are sure that students should get education in their countries. First of all, education abroad can be too expensive for average families. What is more, some parents cannot imagine their children living so far away from them because they always have protected their kids.

Personally, I cannot share this opinion because there are government loans and grants as well as exchanges programs which can provide students with financial help. So, money issues are not so tough. And as for living apart, it is the best way to become independent and self-disciplined.

To sum up, I would like to say that there are more benefits of studying abroad. Although education abroad may seem quite difficult it can be an immense impact of the whole future life of a person and help to achieve his goals.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Поставленная коммуникативная задача успешно решена.

Можно порекомендовать выстроить аргументы во втором абзаце в порядке убывания их важности и уменьшения непосредственной связи с темой сочинения: сейчас – 1) улучшение языковых навыков, 2) обретение новых контактов; 3) обучение в лучших и наиболее престижных университетах; думается, логичнее сначала сказать об университетах как гарантии качества образования, затем перейти к освоению языка и только потом упомянуть поиск друзей и знакомых.

Также автору следует быть внимательнее с объёмом – на данный момент в эссе насчитывается 273 слова, что очень близко к максимально допустимому количеству.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст организован корректно.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

because they always have protected their kids – because they are used to protecting their kids all the time [Лучше заменить исходную фразу на предложенную, чтобы подчеркнуть идею привычки].

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) studying abroad have more advantaged because – studying abroad has more advantages because [Меняем have на has, а также advantaged на advantages];

2) they always have protected their kids – they have always protected their kids [Либо заменяем на фразу, предложенную в разделе лексики];

3) an immense impact of the whole future life – an immense impact on the whole future life [Требуется замена предлога];

4) and help to achieve his goalsand help them (to) achieve their goals [Для большей определённости добавляем дополнение (them), а для соблюдения нейтрального тона высказывания в отношении половой принадлежности студентов заменяем his на their].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) to get knowledge while others – to get knowledge, while others [Перед выражающим противопоставление союзом while ставится запятая];

2) if you are in another country you can find – if you are in another country, you can find [Придаточное с if, стоящее перед главным, отделяется запятой];

3) Although education abroad may seem quite difficult it can be – Although education abroad may seem quite difficult, it can be [Выражения с союзом although обычно отделяются запятыми].

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