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Письмо-резюме для работодателя. Письмо с отдыха. Письмо с рекомендацией книги (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

{Письмо-резюме для работодателя}

17 White Road,


1th Jule

Dear Mr Brown,

I am writing to apply for the position of Summer Waiters, which was advertised in television annoucement.

I am 16 years old and I study at 10 class form lyceum. I want to get some money to fulfill my dream. For this reason, I would like to get a job.

I also have one month experience working as librarian assistant. I speak some Russian and Ukrainian. My last employer described ma as energetic, intelligent, сonfident.

I would be araible for an interwiew at any time.

I have enclosed a copy of my CV. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Jon Ghor

{Письмо с отдыха}

Dear Jill,

I stayed at Hotel Panache is Paris. It is very expensive hotel. I arraved to see the sights I went sight seeing Eeiffel tower, Louvre, Patheon. Eeiffel tower is the heart of Paris. Views of hight Paris offers from the city. I like Eeiffel tower. So I brought two small Eeiffel tovers, which will remind about Paris.

Your friend,

Jon Ghor.

{Письмо с рекомендацией книги}

Dear Matt,

Thanks for your last letter. Sorry I have not been in touch for so long. Great news about your life!

I would like to recommend interesting book «Elven for beginners» the author is Natalia Mazurkiewicz. Author tells about a girl, who entered the Elvish Facalty, her training and adventures. Main characters of the book are Anthanarina Tel-Gray (girl), Alestanyl (elf). Author tells about relationships between themselves and others. The book is very interesting, you do not read whole book in the first day to do not regret for later.

Anyway, I have to do now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up.

Best wishes,

Jon Ghor


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