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Письмо другу по английскому (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

You asked me about the jobs which have popularity in my country. I think it is a journalist, an economist and a lawyer. Every year I look up the statistic of the most favourite jobs among Russians. These ones have one of the first position. Speaking about the factors, it is your abilities, opportunities and desires. I want to become an interpreter, because I am eager to learn foreign languages. Moreover, my desire is to work in an international company. Of course, I prefer almost all kinds of books except science fiction detective

and fantasy. Speaking about my favourite period, it is the 20th century, because Russia has changed during this period. If i had a time machine, I would visit this one.

Such a great news about your camera! I congratulate you on belated birthday. Where did you celebrate? How many people did you invite? Which presents did you have besides the camera?

I congratulate you on the completion of the project. Which issue did you have? How difficult was it? How long did you do your project?

Sorry, got to wash the dishes. I don’t think that people in different countries prefers special things. Every person has own hobbies. In Spain is popular a corrida, but it doesn’t mean that every Spanish would like fighting with a bull.

In whole world very popular Russian ballet, but I don’t understand this art. I prefer Russian poetry and painting. By the way, it is also our pride.

My family likes traveling. We are happy to open different beautiful countries.

Write back!

Love, Yours sincerely, Thanks for letter! I’m glad to hear you!



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