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Degree VS Experience. What is more valuable? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Personally, I believe that having a college degree is one of the most important things to the future employee. Before everything else, education teaches individuals transferable skills such as ability to research analyze and manage your time. With regard to the above mentioned a degree will also show employers that you can learn quickly and find solutions to the problems as well.

In spite of everything, some people argue that experience-heavy candidates are more favored than college graduates with no experience. That’s because higher education only proves you can succeed in science, not in a real job.

The main reason for it is that employers value real-world experience due to the fact that they want employees to understand how the world works and have skills that education cannot teach.

From another point of view, if you want to go for a long-term career, experience will not be enough. (Because) Provided that a higher degree guarantees that you have a great level of professional maturity in your area. That is precisely why you can be trusted with roles that are more responsible and, as an aftermath of this, get higher salary and an opportunity to grow professionally.

Concluding what has been said above, I would like to say that both degree and experience matter and the combination of two is the best. While the value of a degree is high in most fields, you still can recognize the value of practical experience. In addition, as long as you have complete package, a future employer will be interested in hiring you.


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