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Many people watch soap operas because they find them enjoyable and realistic. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Our television is unimaginable without soap operas which many consider truthful and interesting. However, there are people who are against these television programs.

In my opinion, soap operas are neither realistic nor entertaining. Firstly, soap operas have characters who are either too brave and kind or too cruel and cowardly. People in real life are more complicated, for example they can be brave, but have phobias or fears, while characters in soap operas usually show only one side of their personality. Secondly, watching soap operas takes too much time.

This kind of movie can lasts plenty of seasons. Considering that the plot of most soap operas is primitive, watching them is tedious.

However, there is another point of view. Other people believe that soap operas show ordinary people and their life’s problems. This can be useful and interesting for viewers.

I cannot agree with this opinion. Soap operas nearly always exaggerate the problem and make it unnatural. For example, someone is extremely suffering and the other will cry about it the entire movie. In real life people have more emotions than one and problems in soap operas are not true to life.

To sum up, although there are people who enjoy soap operas and think they are amusing and reflect real life, I am convinced they are unrealistic and have not anything interesting in their storylines.

I hope that my point of view is understandable for everybody who has read this text. Thank you for yor attention.

Hope, that my essee helped you with your exams)


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