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Learning foreign languages is a waste of your time (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that if you learn foreign language you spend your time and money in vain while others argue that learning foreign language is great great chance for brilliant career....

(начало есть на других сайтах, далее идет только уникальное продолжение)

Secondly, nowadays we have many opportunities in Internet to learn foreign language. Also it is good idea to spend your time more effectively. Finally, if you know more than two languages you can learn more languages easily.Nevertheless, some people think that there is no need to know foreign languages because it is costly for your budget to buy special books and dictionaries. Besides, it takes a lot of your free time because you could better spend your time with your friends or go in sport.However, I can not agree with this negative attitude because nowadays it is century of national relations and communications. Everyone who wants to know the world better and be clever should study foreign language.In conclusion, it seems to me that people must understand the importance of foreign language because without knowledge of a foreign language you will be lost person in contemporary world.


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