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Talk about a subject you would like to study in the future (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Needless to say, time after time every person asks a question what he/she will be doing tomorrow - whether it is applying for a new job, travelling around the globe or maybe learning subject, which amazed you. For me that subject will be finances including such topics as investing, budgeting, overall functioning of economics. My pursuit was dictated not only by an opportunity to aime at higher-paying job but simply to become intelligent enough in grasping how supply and demand work, why politicians and governments in various countries do what they are doing, revealing the ins and outs of these processes.

Besides, getting knowledge of that particular area will help me to be reasonable enough with my own finances, learn how to save money and increase funds.

However, the most fascinating part, not quite important in complex concept of finances, scientifically speaking, is conducting studies to define what companies are worth investing. There are skills of reading reports, understanding firms performance due to special indicators, learning how state regulators influence different sector of economy.

As far as I know, we are already touching finances while studying accounting on second course faculty of economics in HSE and in the next years also will have subjects associated with them.

In addition, it is possible to take courses on Coursera, Open Education, find educational channels on YouTube - the only thing you need is consistency and systemic approach. I am familiar with investing but due to lack of discipline and infinite information in the Internet have fallen behind and started speculating and trading instead of investing. It's necessary to take some time off to break that negative incline. That's why I'm not going to enroll on a new course right now.


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