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Imagine that you are doing a project on what book genres are popular among teenagers демоверсия 2022 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Письменная часть. Раздел 4. Письменная речь. Задание 40.1. Возможный ответ

The topic of reading has always inspired heated debate, one of its most interesting aspects being different people's genre preferences. As I am conducting a project on what book genres are popular among teenagers, I can share some information on that subject.

To start with, the analysis is based on opinion polls, in which teenagers mention a total of five main genres they read: adventure, detective/war/spy stories, sports stories, animal stories, and romance. The most popular genre among teenagers is adventure, with 55. 4% of the respondents enjoying it. At the other end of the spectrum, there is romance, appreciated by only 17. 6% of the readers in the survey.

A curious result of the polls is that adventure stories and detective/war/spy stories seem almost equally favoured by youngsters.

The comparison shows the former leading by a margin of just 0. 1%.

Without doubt, modern teenagers are quite interested in reading and, as can be seen from the collected data, frequently have even more than one preferred genre. However, there is increased concern that reading as a pastime is losing its popularity with the younger generation, gradually giving way to computer games, social media, etc. A possible solution to this problem is familiarising children with long-term benefits that books can grant them like the ability to live a healthy life, build a successful career, and so on.

In conclusion, I would like to state that reading is an indispensable part of a happy life and its importance can hardly be overestimated.

Books fill humans with valuable knowledge and therefore give them more freedom, raise their self-esteem, and simply make their days brighter.

ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЕ. Поскольку на момент написания настоящего ответа отсутствуют официально представленные детальные критерии оценивания задания, образцы его правильного выполнения, а также вообще какие-либо комментарии по вопросам обновлённой версии ЕГЭ со стороны чиновников и разработчиков демоверсии, предложенный вариант ответа не следует рассматривать как единственно верный. По мере появления свежей информации об особенностях предстоящего экзамена будут публиковаться новые тексты ответов. Данный же ответ может быть полезен как иллюстрация способа логической увязки в единое высказывание числовых сведений, обозначения и решения проблемы и личного мнения. Кроме того, в тексте ответа фигурируют выражения, которые наверняка пригодятся и на экзамене в 2022 году.


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