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An early choice of a career path is the key of success (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The choice of a profession is really important nowadays. Some people say that one should decide who they want to be as soon as it is possible while others think differently.

In my opinion, an early choice of a career is not a way to success. Firstly, because children simply do not have enough life experience to understand all pros and cons of a profession they choose, all they know about it is superficial knowledge. Secondly, children expectations often differ a lot from the reality. Kids are prone to look at everything through the prism of childhood, where everything seems brighter that it really is, so children may not be objective when they choose their profession.

However, some people say that if you will choose your career at an early age it will be a really good decision.

They say that in this case you will be determined and you will have enough motivation from the early years, so you will chase it like a dream and reach it in the end, which will give you a sense of satisfaction and self-sufficiency.

I do not agree with this opinion. As I have already said, the children vision on world is distorted, and therefore, if one will pursue some career from the early age and in the end, when one will finally get it, one may feel that all his expectations have not been met and all what they were working for is not what they actually like. This can lead to the disappointment and depression.

In conclusion, I would like to restate that one should decide who they want to be in more conscious age.


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