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The modern man could not survive in the jungle + письмо (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many people think a lot about their survival skills. This problem is controversial. Some people belive that a modern man could not survive in the jungle, while others argue that it is not so difficult for a modern person to cope with this situation.

As far as I am concerned it depends on person's skills of surviving. As far as lots of modern people watch a lot of TV-programmes about surviving in the wild and read a lot of books, most of them have plenty of information about how to survive in the jungle. Moreover, nowadays a lot of people have some of most needed equipment with them. In comparison with the people of the past, modern ones are much more equipped.

However, some people believe that most modern people do not have sufficient phisical fitness, because the latest generations are not fond of sports.

I can only respectfully disagree with this point of view.

Almost every second modern person does sports and has enough phisical fitness for such experience.

Taking everything into consideration, the points for modern man's survival outweighs the points against it.

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your recent letters. It was great to hear from you again.

As for your questions, well, I'm quite ambitious person. I like ambitious people as well, if they aren't arrogant. I think people who want to achieve  a lot in their life are quite interesting. After I have fulfilled my ambitious I think I will devote myself to my family and have a happy life.

Anniversary of the town sounds great. How was it celebrated? How old is your town? Was the celebration colourful?

Anyway, I have to go now. It's dtime for my favourite show. Keep in touch.

Lots of love,



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