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40. Sport unites people example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many people understand the importance of doing sports. Thea are sure that sport is not only healthy, but also makes people friendlier and more open.

ut others believe that sport is individual and and it does not unite athletes or fans.

I strongly support the idae that sport plays a great role in uniting people/ To begin with, during the first Olympic in Greece all wars stopped so they became the symbol of peace and friendship. Moreover, team sports unite the participants, because their goal are the same. Finally, athletes from different countries meet and make friends during international competitions. Sport becomes more and more popular every day. In past it could be a pastime or hobby, today sport is a lifestyle. I know many people who can not imagine their life without sport.

They do morning exercises, go to work by bicycle, spend vacation in the mountains and having meetings in the gyms sometime. I also like sport and do it almost every day.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion. Some people are sure that when sportsmen compete, they cannot be friendly. They claim that the atmosphere during competitions is very tense.

esides, some fans behave quite aggressively.

I totally disagree with this point of view. In my opinion, sportsmen are not enemies, they are just rivals trying to do

"Citius, Altius, Fortius". As for the atmosphere, it is also exciting and people are enthusiastic. There are people who just do sport and don’t really want to communicate. Usually these are busy people. They work a lot and go to gym twice per week. I think they just need more time and enjoy sport. Also you have to find the kind of sport you really like. Then you will consider it like your hobby and lifestyle.

To sum up, I can say that sport makes athletes be friends, because they fight for victory together. And there is no doubt that sport unites people and teaches them to be friends. It builds character, teaches you to be strong and motivates you to achieve new results.


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