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Today some scientists claim that cloning experiments should not be subject to government scrutiny. What is your opinion? Should governments oversee human cloning research? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there is a big argument about whether the government should oversee cloning experiments. Some people believe that cloning research should not be subject to government scrutiny, while others consider that the authorities should be aware of everything happening on the territory of their state.

In my opinion, the government should never know about cloning experiments. To begin with, politicians will start using cloning for their own selfish purposes, that is, to retain power and, of course, get more money.

Moreover, if cloning of animals and humans is available, then it will be possible to create copies of some items. Governments of different countries will wage wars with each other increasing their military potential with the help of this technology.

There is an opposing opinion. Some people state that authorities should control cloning research. First of all, politicians will definitely share this invention with people, because thanks to cloning, society will no longer need human resources for production, mining and so on. All this dirty work will be done by clones. Furthermore, it will be possible to clone soldiers indefinitely in any quantity. Over time the need to wage wars will simply disappear.

I am afraid I cannot agree with this idea. Firstly, yes, they may share this new technology with society but governments will make another profitable business out of human suffering. Many people will want to return their dead relatives, children and authorities will take advantage of this in any way. For example, they can set very high prices for cloning, come up with various taxes on the use of cloning technologies, the maintenance of clones etc. In general, I am shure that conducting such experiments is completely inhumane and cruel. Secondly, clones are not robots! They are living copies of people! To use them as slaves is inhumane and unacceptable!

In conclusion, I would like to say that cloning is really necessary and useful thing for humanity but it all depends on how we will use it.


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