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Some people think that clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays our world is changing fast, an a person's lifestyle is not an exception. People began to look after their appearance, and some men believe that a person's behaviour can be influence by clothes, when others disagree. In my essay I would like consider the possibility of the effect of clothes on a person.

In my view, a person's appearance can influence his behaviour, so, I agree with the opinion that behaviour depends on the clothes, which a person is wearing. It is true that if a person wears bright clothes, other people will pay more attention to him, and a man will feel and behave confidently. It is clear that there are traditions, which are connected with clothes. For example, when a woman gets married, she will wear a white dress, and she is happy. So clothes can influence a person's behaviour.

One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle.

There is an opinion that if a person is rude and impolite, he will not be shy and courteous, when he will wear gray or white dress. So clothes cannot affect a person.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because I am sure that clothes have some effect on the mood of person. Of course, a mood strongly influences a behaviour, so, we can say that behaviour depends on clothes.

In conclusion, I think that clothes can change our behaviour, improving or worsening it.


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