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40.2 Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the problem of impact of clothes on people’s mood and behavior causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that there is no connection between the clothes we wear and how we behave, while others think that appearance plays a key role in a person's self-esteem

In my opinion, the clothes a person wears at one time or another have a huge impact on their behavior and mood. To begin with, scientists conducted an experiment in which people were dressed in expensive clothes, forcing unsuspecting masses to violate certain rules, cross the road in the wrong place. A man in good clothes aroused the confidence of others, so people followed him. What is more, schools approved a special form/uniform because of the influence of clothing on a person. This helps to focus children's attention on their studies, as well as prevent social conflicts related to the financial situation of the family

However, there are people who hold the opposite opinion.

They claim that clothing does not affect people's behavior. A person in a stylish suit does not become stylish, it all depends on the situation and environment

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it, because when someone is dressed in a great suit, they cannot detect the changes that are happening to him and around him. First, how confident he is, and second, how his confidence spreads and changes people's attitudes toward him.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the importance of being aware of what you are wearing, because clothing and behavior are interrelated.


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