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40. Studying online is more interesting than studying at school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there is a popular opinion that studying at home with computer is more fascinating than schooling. At the same time, there are some people who believe that every pupil must go to school because it is great opportunity to get proper education and it is better than sit at home. Now I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

In my opinion, schooling is more exiting than studying online.

Firstly, at school pupils can communicate with other students and teachers face-to-face. This is the best opportunity for socializing an individual because a lot of people find friends precisely at school. Secondly, at school, teachers control the educational process and can affect student’s behavior. While at home the student and his parents will have to work too hard to achieve good results because it is very difficult to learn on your own.

However, there is an opposite point of view that technology has become an important feature in the education of students of all ages and online studying is modern and optimal way to get the knowledge. First of all, the current generations of students have grown up with the knowledge of the computer technologies, and it seems more natural for them to use it as learning tool. That is why online education can motivate and ensure the success of the students.

These arguments do not seem convincing to me because online studying can impede the process of learning in some respects. The computer and the internet are hugely addictive; the internet likes a drug, it contains too many distractions from the work a student intends to do.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the «classic» education is a key to higher achievement.


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