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Studying online is more interesting than studying at school пример 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, children and teenagers can choose between two ways of studying: online learning or schooling. That is a voluble opportunity to find a suitable way of learning.

Some people are sure that studying online is more enjoyable and progressive, while others argue that.

In my opinion, online studying is pretty entertaining. Firstly, as for grade school students, they have more time for preparing for finals: they do not waste their time getting to and from school, can eat home food on time. Secondly, being online learners, elementary school students have more free time for hobbies, because they don’t spend half a day at school. Thirdly, some students find it difficult to focus during the classes. Classmates can distract from their conversations - often there is no classroom discipline.

Others believe that schooling is better.

They consider it is impossible to study productively while staying at home because it is difficult to get up early on your own and organize your day if the student does not need to go to school.

I am afraid I cannot agree with this idea. Online studying develops a sense of self-discipline and self-organization, allow learners to find a convenient way to organize their learning process themselves. This way of studying makes teenagers and children more responsible.

To sum up, not everyone has the opportunity to study online. Sometimes online education cannot be cheap, but if the family can afford it, then it is worth it.


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