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Prisons should be a comfortable, decent place for those serving a sentence. Do you agree? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, when the problem of humanistic attitude towards prisoners has become a matter of heated debates, some people consider that imprisoned people do not deserve using common goods. Still, others claim jailhouses must be fully equipped for ones being punished.

Personally, I share the second opinion and, to my mind, everybody lives up to a decent living regardless of their committed mistakes. First and foremost, humanistic approach to prisoners teaches them to be kinder and helps them to understand the detriment they have brought to the society.

Moreover, when people get out of jail, they should live in tune with the community and the pace of present life, so they should be allowed to use all the modern amenities and technologies in imprisonment.

However, opponents of this point of view are sure that criminals should be prohibited to lead a comfortable lifestyle, because they must serve a tough sentence for their crimes. According to this perspective, if criminals do not suffer in prisons, they cannot rehabilitate for the positive side as they do not understand the harmfulness and danger of their actions, so prisons shouldn’t be convenient places to live in.

Nevertheless, this argument does not sound reasonable enough due to the following logical assumption. Generally, developed countries have proved the effectiveness of comfortable jailhouses in compare with ultra-restrictive ones, because a merely little percentage of former convicts start commiting crimes again.

In conclusion, although opinions may differ, I strongly believe that jails should be comfortable for prisoners. Personally, I want our country to provide prisoners with all the facilities they need for living well.

(265 words)


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