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Nothing is more important than friendship (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, people use their communicating skills in lots of parts of life and think that friendship is the most important thing. There are people, who claim that there are lots of things that are significant than friendship.

In my opinion, friendship is very important. First of all, no one can live without friends and community, it is humans nature, you can watch films with your friends, go for a walk and lots of other things. Secondly, if you got in troubles or something bad happened, true friend will help you without any regard on any factors. Finally, every person educate by communicating with people, who have same interests or craze, for example you found a friend who is interested in books, like you, from that moment you will go to libraries together, discuss books.

However, there are people who state that there are lots of things that are more important than friendship.

To begin with, anyone can betray you, for example, you know someone for a long time, you think that they are your friends, but one day they were offered some money, to gain information about you. Also,

bad company can negatively affect you, you can adopt some bad traits.

And yet, I completely disagree with the opinion mentioned above.

you should not rely on anyone, you should have your own opinion and life path. Besides, If you got into a bad company and something happened, then this will serve you a good lesson, and you will begin to understand people better.

To sum up with, friendship has a lot of advantages. Everyone must understand how important is it.


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