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Work is the most important thing in life; Disadvantages in living in a big city (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In modern world all people are working. They do it to earn money. The issue of work has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates. Some thinks that the most important thing in life is work.

To begin with, work helps people to realize oneself. For example, painter draw paintings such as a portrait, a landscapes etcetera, because he like to do it. It helps him to share his emotions and the beauty of the surrounding world with other people. Also, work provides a person with a money. All of things today cost money: medicine, entertainment (like a cinema and a theater), food, clothes, trips. Money exchanged for something helps a person to get a positive emotions.

When peoples have money, they live really well.

However, for some people work is not very important. They prefer spend their time with their families, friends or doing nothing. They think that money is not the most important in their life and they make people greedy.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with opposing opinion, because not all people have families or friends. Somebody is unsociable and for him work is the best way to spend his time.

All in all, work is important thing and it helps to earn money which is necessary in daily life, and spend time.

A lot of people live in city. Cities can be large or provincial. The issue of cities has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates. Some thinks that there are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city.

First of all, air in a big city is polluted by factories and transport. It is bad for health some of people. For example, children have different diseases such as asthma and they with families have to leave the city in search of cleaner air. The second problem of big city is heavy traffic. People should spend a lot of their time stuck in traffic. It is also awful, because the way will take too much time.

However, for some people megapolis is great. The big cities have developed infrastructure. There we can see a lot of supermarkets, transport system, hospitals, entertainment organizations and so on. People can even work from home.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with opposing opinion, because in my opinion, good health is more important than opportunities of megapolis. Also, I prefer peace and quiet life.

All in all, we live in modern world where people can choose any place to live. Big cities have both advantages and disadvantages.


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