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It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer. / It is good to have sisters and brothers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that reading is very important for people of all ages. Children often get reading list for holidays and think that it is useless, whereas their parents and teachers do not think so.

As for me, I am convinced that it is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer. To start with, the more adults force kids to do something, the less they want to do it. So, children would rather read an interesting article when they need it, only this way reading will be useful and fascinating. Moreover, there are so many recreational activities in summer with the help of which scholars can relax from school.

They should not miss these opportunities.

However, not all people share my point of view. They are sure that reading is essential for pupils because it can help to broaden the mind and teach something. That is why kids should read as much as possible.

To a certain extent it is right, but we should not forget that when pupils are forced to read it is just a waste of time.

To sum up, I strongly believe that everything is good in moderation. Scholars have a right to do what they want and gain strength before the heavy studying days.

It is good to have sisters and brothers.

There is no doubt that family plays an important role in our life. It is your nearest and dearest friends ever. Some people are happy to have siblings, but others think that it is not so awesome.

As for me, I am sure that it is fantastic to have sisters and brothers. To start with, they are your closest people who will always support you and help in need. Whatever happened, they will always cheer you up. Moreover, you always have somebody to hang out and have a fun. As a result, you will never feel lonely and boring.

However, not all people share my point of view. They think that siblings are usually so annoying and they can only get on the nerves and stir up the quarrels.

To a certain extent it is right, but we should not forget that even though you can often argue with your brother or sister, they will still support your position in disputes with other people.

To sum up, I strongly believe that having siblings is always cool and funny. Of course, you can have arguments sometimes, but it does not compare with the care and love that you receive in return.


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