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Mobile phones have become very popular nowadays. However, most people say that their use should be restricted (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays some people cannot imagine their life without a mobile phone, but most of them believe that it is better to restrict the use of this gadget. That is the question we need to consider.

It seems to me that the mobile phone is an extremely helpful device which we need every day. To start with, contemporary smartphones let us not only call our friends and relatives, but also see them with the help of the modern programs or even chat with some unfamiliar people at any time due to the variety of social media.

More than that, such a small gadget contains a lot of information which may not be connected with different ways of communication and can be used for educational purposes as well as for personal ones.

However, there is an opposing opinion. Some people think that the mobile phone is more harmful than helpful for us. Firstly, long hours spent with it worsens our vision. Secondly, it is a common situation when somebody becomes addicted to the device and then he is not able to complete simple tasks without it.

I am afraid I cannot agree with this point of view. I suppose that every person complies all the safety measures while using his mobile phone and sets the right time that will be enough for him to do everything that he wanted with the gadget.

In conclusion, the issue of the use of the mobile phone is still arguable, but I strongly believe that it should not be restricted.


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