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Mobile phones in schools (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays a lot of people think that using mobile phones at school should be prohibited. Definitely, not everybody agrees with that opinion. They consider that pupils cannot study effectively without their modern gadgets and mobile phones must be allowed at school.

In my opinion, students should have opportunity to use phones at school. Firstly, in today’s life all mobile phones has access to the Internet. Pupils can find a lot of information on the Internet,and that helps them to study. Secondly,students may to talk with their parents,if happened something wrong. Thirdly, there are some useful programs in phone,for example calculator or Word and with the help this pupils cannot do mistakes, and to be better at school.

However,many people believe that phones must be banned at school.

They consider that modern devices are addictive and can be harmful for pupil’s health. Moreover, they think that the Internet in phones distract students from studying.

Personally , I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that mobile phones are obligatory for studying at school. There are special programs,which are used only for studying and that’s why pupils cannot be distracted from learning. Finally, students should use their gadgets reasonably not to harm their health.

In addition,I strongly believe that pupils cannot study effectively without allowing phones at school.


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