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The weather affects the way people feel and behave / эссе о погоде и ее влиянии на людей (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, people's feelings and behaving depends on the weather. Someone believes that the weather affects the way people feel and behave while others disagree. I would like to express my own point of view on this issue.

In my opinion, it is not possible to imagine our life without any connection to the weather. Firstly, our plans can be changed because of the rain or strong storm. Secondly, the weather has a lot of influence on our health. Sudden changes in temperature outside can be the reason of feeling sick. Moreover, our organism leans on the atmospheric pressure.

However, some people claim that today we do not depend on the weather. In their view, we can control the way we feel and behave.

Also, they are convinced that our mood is connected only with our thoughts. This statement means that if you think positively, you will never be ill or upset.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I believe that the weather can change our mood. We are happy, if the day is warm and sunny or we often feel sad because of the gray cloudy sky and rain. Moreover, the mentality of residents of some countries usually depends on its climate. For example, people, who live in south, warm lands seem to be more positive and friendly.

In conclusion, I believe that although we are not dependent on nature now, the weather still affects our mood, plans and health.


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