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Teenagers should be allowed to read any books (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are many controversial questions about choosing a literature for teenagers. Some people think that youngsters should have an opportunity to choose what to read by their own while others suppose that it can be harmful for them. Both sides have their reasons to think like that. Let me consider them.

In my point of view, teenagers should not have a free choice while choosing literature for reading. Firstly, there are many books that can have a bad influence on their mental health. Youth is a period when everyone has an unstable mind. If teenagers read some cruel literature with characters who commit crimes, they can become aggressive because they will copy the behavior of their heroes. Secondly, youngsters have to read definite books to fully socialize.

There is a classical literature which should be known by each educated member of society. If teenagers have an ability to choose books by their own, they will not probably choose these books and we will start to lose our culture.

On the other hand, some people believe that reading whatever youngsters want is even useful for them. For instance, they suppose that giving them this opportunity will make them more independent. They will learn how to think critically and rely only on themselves by making such decisions by their own.

However, I disagree with this viewpoint. I guess that youngsters will become independent while growing up anyway. They will have to make many various choices in any case and this quality does not worth spoiling teenagers' mental balance.

To sum up, there are lots of discussions about the ways of choosing books for teenagers but I still guess that parents and teachers should control young people's book choices.


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