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Parents should never punish their children (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue of punishment has been the subject of controversy lately. For some people it seems to be an effective way to achieve the good behaviour of their children while their opponents are sure that child abuse is con a good idea. Let us consider both opinions in more detail.

To my mind, parents should never punish their kids. Firstly, punishment should never be used as is does not teach offspring anything but tears. Moreover, it has negative impact on children’s health. In addition to physical injuries kids can get mental issues. Secondly, there are a lot of other ways to improve kids’ behaviour. That is why parents do not need punishment as a mean of teaching their offspring. Parents can just talk to their children.

However, quite many people think that punishment is an effective way to teach their kids good behaviour and to help them achieve success.

Their main argument is that children respect strict parents and obey them. Besides, you will never forget your punishment and this is the reason why punishment is considered a great way of teaching for kids.

I strongly disagree with this opinion because children will be afraid of very strict parents and will try to avoid communicating with them. It can destroy family relationships and such parents can lose the trust of their kids.

Overall, despite certain arguments against, there is no doubt for me that when it comes to punishment, is brings no benefit whatsoever to kids and their parents. That is why punishment should never be used by parents.


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