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Space exploration is our future direction of development because in some decades the Earth could be no longer survivable пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of space exploration has always aroused sharp debates. Nowadays a great number of people claim that the conquest of space is the Most important thing for the future life of the Earth. However, others have a different point of view. I think this problem is really worth discussing.

As for me, I support the first opinion and have several reasons to prove it. To start with, the space exploration helps to prevent global disasters scientists immediately report changes in space and look for solutions. In addition, the conquest of space lets people use the mobile Internet. It helps them communicate and act together to cope with global problems. Moreover, it is a great way to find new resources.

Planet subsoil assets are exhausted by people but scientist claim that other planets have unused minerals, for example, water or coal.

Nevertheless, another point of view concerning this issue exists. People claim that state spends much on space exploration. The vital spheres such as medicine, ecology and education suffer because of this.

Though I respect this point of view, I definitely cannot share it. I am absolutely sure that each governments correctly allocates the budget in every sphere. The space exploration can only help to solve problems in this direction.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this problem is still to be discussed. I believe that the conquest of space is really essential things for future Earth’s life. Nonetheless, one should analyze and compare all pros and cons before marking a proper decision.


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