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Some people think that boys and girls should study separately at different schools. Others think that they should be taught together пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays due to the intense struggle for gender equality and basic human rights former schools for separately boys or girls have almost disappeared. Therefore, a lot of people claim that public schools for both genders are an integral condition of contemporary society, while others believe that boys and girls should not be educated together.

To my mind, it is clearly that in our modern world children should be taught together, regardless of their nationality, gender or parents` income.

Firstly, from my perspective, in addition to standard knowledge children receive basic skills of communicating, including with opposite sex in school. These skills will be unequivocally useful in further life. Secondly, I think that it is more interesting to study in class with girls, as well as with boys, than in detached class with only my gender.

Nevertheless, some people have a different point of view. They affirm that if boys and girls study together it can significantly influences on their academic performance, because of invariable distraction created by opposite sex.

To a certain extent, they are right. However, I still stand my ground, because I am fully confident that those boys who are supposed to study badly will not do it better even if they are transferred to another school. I state so on the grounds of the fact that process of education firmly connected with personality of a pupil.

To sum up, I strongly believe that boys and girls should not be separated at school, because it is primarily better for them and for their future.


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