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Everyone would enjoy to work from home (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays due to development of communication facilities and informational technologies more and more people can easily work without going out. However, not all people are eager to quit their working places. They suppose that it is not suitable for them to work from home, while others claim that this way of working is the most rational choice.

To my mind, it is better to work from home because it gives you many new opportunities. Firstly, it seems to me that if you stay at home, you do not need to spend time commuting to your working place. Therefore, in this case you may have more time for self development and a family. Secondly, I suppose that it is better to dispose of your time by yourself and without strict frames of working schedule that implies exact time of presence, dinner, etc.

However, there are some people who would not like to work from home and prefer to split their routine life which is associated solely with home from their working hours that are unthinkable without special place of work.

They state that it is hard for them to stay concentrated at home because of relax atmosphere and constant distraction.

To a certain extent, they are right, however, I still stand my ground because I think that it is possible to rearrange your room in order to make it more comfortable for working process. Furthermore, I affirm that it is necessary to negotiate with relatives about hours when you are busy and cannot be distracted.

To sum up, I strongly believe that working from home can be regarded as the most convenient way of earning money.


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