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I went shopping with my parents yesterday. Do you prefer to shop / I've found an abandoned spaniel in the park and took it home. I'm (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

… I went shopping with my parents yesterday. Do you prefer to shop online or in regular stores? Why do you think many people like to spend their week-ends in big shopping malls? Do you like to go shopping on your own or with friends and why?

You know, I celebrated my birthday last week …




Dear Jane,

Thanks a lot for your last letter. It was great to hear from you so soon. I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier because I was busy at school.

You asked me about different variants of shopping. As for me, I prefer shopping in regular stores. In my opinion, shopping is relaxing. That is why many people spend their week-ends in big shopping malls.

I usually go shopping with my friends because their opinion helps me to choose right thing. For instance, my friend can tell me if that dress fits me or not. It is really helpful.

Happy birthday! How did you spend it? How many presents did you get? Did you spend your birthday celebration with your family or with your friends?

Now I’ve to do my homework.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


… I've found an abandoned spaniel in the park and took it home. I'm so happy. Do people in your country love pets and look after them properly? Why do people abandon their pets? Should there be stricter laws on how people treat their pets?




Dear William,

Thanks a lot for your last letter. It was great to hear from you so again. I`m sorry I haven`t answered earlier because I was busy at school.

It`s great that you`ve got a spaniel. People in my country love pets, but sometimes they don`t understand their responsibility for them. I think they should look after their pets more carefully. In my opinion, people who abandon their pets can`t cope with all duties which they have to do for their pets. That is why there should be stricter laws on how people treat their pets.

Actually, what has happened with your sneakers? Don`t they fit you? How much do they cost? What do they look like?

Now I have to do my homework.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,



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