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In the future computers will replace teachers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Computers have taken over a huge part of people`s lives. These changes so large, that some people see it as one of the biggest issues of modern society. Computers in educational process take a particular part in controversies. While some people protest against computers in education, other choose it as it is a way of bringing technology in children`s lives and, as a result, a better way to improve educational process.

In my opinion, computers in schools are a great way to introduce kids and teenagers to the newest technologies and interest them in getting knowledge from different spheres of school subjects. In addition to it, computers give chances to find different sources, which give a broader way of observing new information from different points of view, and, as a result, a bigger base of objective and unbiased information. Finally, computers help people with disabilities study as average students, and, as a result, help them find a job in their future.

However, some people are against computers in education.

Firstly, some of them believe that computers will replace educators from schools, universities and colleges in future, as it has gained a big impact on our lives, as a result, it can change traditional way of gaining knowledge, and, finally, destroy it. Secondly, they see it as a problem because in the recent years computer addiction has evolved into a serious problem.

Having considered opposing opinion, I still believe that changes in traditional education have more advantages than disadvantages, everything needs changes and only altering the way of studying we can gain alternative and bigger knowledge in the present and future.

In conclusion, I agree that there are some risks of changing the structure of modern education, but there are more pros of bringing new technologies in schools because it will improve and make it easier for kids to get new information and broaden their knowledge in different school subjects/


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