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you are rich when you have a big family .Do you agree ? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Yes I agree that you are rich when you have a big family . as for me , family is a link to the past and bridge to our future. Family is where children learn more than in school . it’s the place where people spend most of their time.

So , why do people say that someone with a large family is rich ? because it is a great wealth to have people who truly love you and give you support from your childhood and these people we call family.

I think, every person always dreams about a place where he can speak about his problems, where he can feel happy and quiet. For me it is my family and my home. It is the best place in the world and my dearest people live here . I am incredibly happy that I have understanding parents and two wonderful sisters . besides I have a lovely granny and she is always proud of me . when I spend time with my family I feel happy . That’s why I can say that my family is my home .

Family plays an important role in my nurturing into becoming a person. They are always there to support me in times of troubles, at the same time, share mine joys and successes. Family shapes my character and my behavior in society . my family provides me with education and help me to find my way in live. my parents protect me since childhood . They help me and my sisters study well and be successful in the future. Thanks to my parents, I have clothes, they give me useful tips. thanks to them, I don’t fall into the bad companys of friends and dont feel lonely and depressed. I believe that the main role of a family is to raise a good and decent person, and my family is doing a great job . And I'm really grateful to my family


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