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Love cannot be destructive (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Love is often described as a beautiful feeling that expresses affection and friendship.Some people think that love can bring certain negative consequences. Others consider that it makes people’s lives meaningful and only brings happiness to them.

In my opinion, love indeed cannot be considered as destructive. Firstly, it can change people for the better. A person who is in love wants to become a better version of himself/herself for people they love. Secondly, love makes people feel inspired and enthusiastic. A lot amazing masterpieces are dedicated to this feeling: most music and literature works are about love.

However, other people believe that love is a blinding and obsessive feeling that can harm people. A person can become too vulnerable if his/her feelings are not mutual or if a person is too attached to someone they love.

This feeling can make a person suffer and he/ she can be manipulated by the loved ones.

I cannot agree with the above opinion as still for most people love is something inspiring. Even if it is not mutual, the feeling itself is bright and ingenuous. What is more, even if a person has been hurt by someone he/she loves, it only makes them stronger. Thus, even if it hurts, love still cannot be destructive.

Taking everything into consideration there are two points of view on the problem of destructive love. I strongly believe that it is an intangible feeling that cannot harm people.


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