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Cars should be banned from the centres of all major cities (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It’s hard to imagine modern world without vehicles. Some people think that governments should prohibit usage of cars in city centres. Others consider that cars have become an irreplaceable part of people’s lives and they should be allowed to use everywhere.

In my opinion, cars indeed should not be permitted to use in cities’ centres. Firstly, there are always congestions in most modern cities due to the amount of the vehicles. As city centre is the most popular destination, traffic jams there are enormous. Secondly, major cities are visited by thousands of tourists and the first place these tourists visit is city centre. Cars prevent them from admiring the beauty of the city and spoil the atmosphere of the place, especially when it is historical.

However, other people believe that governments should allow citizens to use cars wherever they want.

Such vehicles nowadays are the fastest way to travel short distances with comfort and convenience and the drive to a city centre usually takes less than an hour.

I cannot agree with the above opinion as there are other means of transport, such as buses and subways in all major cities. They do not cause traffic jams and are usually rather cheap, thus they are a perfect alternative to cars in centres.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two points of view on the problem of cars’ usage in cities’ centres. I strongly believe that these vehicles should be prohibited to use in the centres of big cities.


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