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People have become too dependent on new technology (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

One issue caused lots of controversy over the years is our addiction to technology. Some people think that owing to the latest advances in technology, made our everyday life much more simplified than ever before, that’s why we have become too dependent on technology, while others are denying this point of view. Now I would like to express my point of view on this problem.

I absolutely agree that nowadays we can’t imagine our life without devices we got accustomed to. But I suppose the excessive usage of technology happens because people find something beneficial from it. First and foremost, there is no doubt that we spend a lot of our leisure time in mobile phones, because it allows us to freely communicate with anybody from any point on the Earth. For instance, we can easily get in touch with relatives or friend who live abroad.

Secondly, technologies, such an advanced calculator, help in calculation even in the most complicated math problems that make life of scientists significantly easier.

On the contrary, there are people who believe that we thoughtlessly waste our time on technology, telling that it made us lazier due to the fact that most of work is mainly done by computers and etc.

I strongly disagree with above mentioned statement, because modern technology doesn’t make us lazier or less smart. I think it only makes our life relevantly easier and enables us to choose the way we want to spend our free time.

To sum up, I believe that our dependence on technology is a normal part of historical progress. However, we should be able to deal with it to continue our development.


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