Pluses and minuses of distance education system (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)1. In recent months, all educational institutions of Russia went to the distance education system. 2. Someone was happy about it, and someone was upset. 3. So that we don't get the wrong impression, let's look at some pluses and minuses.
4. First about the positive aspects. 5. First of all, I'm not wasting makeup, but it is not necessary to apply every morning. 6. Secondly, I save money on travel and meals in the dining room. 7. Also, it is not necessary to spend about two hours in transport, but this is also a minus.
8. Now about the negative. 9. The most important thing, probably, is the lack of live communication with classmates and teachers. 10. Online classes are more stressful than regular ones. 11. Also, more money is spent on paying for electricity, because the educational process is inextricably linked to it. 12. If the equipment fails, I will not be able to send the task on time. 13. I almost always read on the way to and from the University, but now I don't have much time for it.
14. To sum up, I can say that any system has both pluses and minuses. 15. However, I am still waiting for us to return to the usual training. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Htubyf Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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