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Why did I choose to teach? (Школьные сочинения)

After graduation, each of us will have to choose an arduous life-long solution – admission to higher education. Your choice will determine your life course, so it is necessary to consider carefully and decide what you want to do next.

Having carefully considered my future, I decided to commit my life to the school. So, I immediately went to a teacher training institute. The reason I chose was because of the attitude of my teachers towards us, former schoolchildren.

It is no secret that the teacher is a model, an ideal for schoolchildren. He will always help in times of need, not just with words, but with deeds. For schoolchildren, the teacher becomes a friend, a comrade who will not be in trouble.

The profession of «teacher» is very interesting and entertaining. You have the ability not only to be more creative, but also to develop this most creative ability in your students.

And what could be more wonderful than an originally prepared lesson!

Whichever direction you choose, all «teacher’s» professions are able to give pleasure in conducting the class. For example, a foreign language teacher may prepare a lesson in the form of a traditional holiday of a given country. The geography teacher can conduct small «raids» in order to teach the boys to define the sides of the light, to distinguish the types of clouds, to study the local landscape. The teacher of Russian language and literature – to conduct interesting interviews on creativity of various writers and poets. Wide opportunities open to the history teacher, who can together with pupils «go» in any era. Chemistry, biology, physics, and many other subjects can attract the attention of students. You just have to get it right.

In general, it can be said that classroom leadership brings great joy to the way your students grow up, how they succeed in learning and sports, in later life. And the most touching day is graduation, which will allow you to appreciate your time with your students.

Thus, the teaching profession is very interesting, responsible and full of joy and emotions.


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