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We must stop using mobile phones because of their harmful impact пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

More and more people are debating about the phone usefulness. Some people think that mobiles damage our mind while others think that phones can be applicable in our life. (29)

I suppose that a mobile phone can help people in their daily routine. First and foremost, people of our generation need phones because the life pace now is very rapid and they cannot live their social life without communicating to each other. Secondly, using phone they always can find some useful information for their deals. Finally, a lot of new types of work from hairdresser to lawyer demand using smartphone to be in touch to the employer, to talk to customers, etc. (82)

However, other people think that cellphones should be used only in case of amergency.

Their opinion is based on the fact that mobiles can interfere with humans’ operations and distract them from something really valuable. Furthermore, they believe that using a phone humans become less intelligent and lose the motivation to do their work. (54)

I don’t agree with this opinion. First of all, phone does not interfere with people’s operations. On the contrary, it usually helps doing the work people should do. They can read some articles or watch some videos helpful for the work due to phones. Secondly, there is not only social media in people’ phones that make them less smart than usual. A lot of humans study with their telephones or read some cognitive books. (74)

To sum up, there are two disputing views on the problem of phones necessity. I am totally convinced that mobiles have a lot of advantages and they are worth using. (30) (269)


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