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Some people prefer to eat out. However, many people still like to cook meals at home (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

11 из 14
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There is a popular opinion that part of population likes to eat in restaurants. At the same time, there are majority of people cooking food in their home kitchen. Others do not agree with this opinion. Now I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

As for me, I prefer to cook meals at home because I like homemade food. Firstly, eating at home is cheaper than in a caf?.

As you pay for decorations and waiter service in restaurants. Secondly, when you cook at home, you know all the ingredients of the dishes. You are sure that eat only healthy food. It is very important for me.

However, some people have the opposite opinion. They prefer to eat out because they interested in a refined cuisine. Luxury dishes are difficult to cook at home. In addition, workers often eat at lunchtime in a cafe because they do not have time to go home.

I cannot support this point of view because restaurant’ menu is limited. In comparison with caf?, you can cook the most various menu at home. By the way, some workers cannot afford to eat out often because it is very expensive.

To sum up, I still prefer to cook meals at home. It is more comfortable for me.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание. Аргументы подобраны хорошо.

Аспект 6 - стилевое оформление. Не рекомендуется в эссе выражать мнение через себя.

important for me

К2 - организация. Эссе построено логически верно.

К3 - лексика. Грубых лексических ошибок нет.

К4 - грамматика. Имеются грамматические ошибки.

are majority of people(the majority IS)

they interested(they are interested)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация.

Орфография - опечатка. caf?

Пунктуация - in a caf?. As you pay(лучше объединить в одно предложение)

В целом:






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