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Appearances are deceitful (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is a proverb that says: "Clothes do not make the man." It means that when someone sees us (or we see someone), they begin to pay attention our appearance. For example: what we wear, how smart we look, how we smell and much more. I read an article about why some people are unpleasant to us. This theory is called "attraction theory" and the first point of this theory was appearance. We can say that appearance doesn't mean anything, but it would be deceiving ourselves. It's inside the essence of a man. If we don't like a person at first sight, we won't even get to know them. It happens on a automatically and sometimes we don't even think about it. But there is a little correction: people who are not liked by some people may be liked by other people, because all people have their own personal taste and thinking about beauty.

There is also another theory - "smell theory." Human genetics have this characteristic.

It occurred in the process of human evolution and some scientists agree with it opinion. The more we like smell of another human, the more we like them. This is a strange theory, but it has a right to exist.

There are people who say that appearance is deceitful. But like I said, they are deceiving themselves and their human nature.

In conclusion, I want to say it does not matter what kind of opinion most part of society have about you, there will always be at least one person who has different opinion about you. They forms Their first impression and They will never analyze you and your character. I call these people "narrow" and "square". It is the same about appearance. Appearance is important, but it is only a part of the general opinion about a person and you should not make final conclusions from it. Sometimes it can confuse you. Teach yourself not to make this mistake , because you can lose a good friend.


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