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Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation пример работы (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

9 из 14
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Digital literacy is considered to be necessary thing in daily work with gadgets. Some people claim that everyone must follow special rules while he is using gadgets to reach the success in electronic sphere, whereas others suppose it is just a waste of time to learn and to use these rules. In this essay i will try to express my point of view on this issue.

In my opinion, digital literacy is really essential as we use electronic devices everyday and it can effect on career. Firstly, many employers appreciate the specialists who have advanced computer skills because it proves their knowledge in digital sphere. Secondly, everyone can send his resume online. In this case employee should follow digital literacy because knowing these rules he has an opportunity to make a good impression.

However, not all people share my viewpoint . They think there are other professions that not connected with gadgets and require other professional skills. They are artists, musicians, dancers, athletes, actors.

Anyway, i cannot agree with this opinion bacause electronic devises closely connected with our daily routine and everyone needs to know digital literacy for himself. Moreover, even if you have a job where is not necessary to use electronic, you can create a web-site and promote yourself in order to find new clients.

To conclude, i am strongly believe that computer skills truly provide a success because of the technology development in modern world. Digital literay is important for everyone who wants to make a successful career.

Оценка эксперта:

it can effect on career
Effect – существительное, affect – глагол. Правильно: it can have an effect или It can affect (без предлога on!!!)

we use electronic devices everyday
Everyday – прилагательное (our everyday life), а в данном случае необходимо писать every day (каждый день).

К4. Грамматика (1 из 3):

Digital literacy is considered to be necessary thing
Пропущен предлог: Digital literacy is considered to be a necessary thing

to reach the success in electronic sphere
Лишний предлог, а в нужном месте он пропущен: to reach success in the electronic sphere

it can affect career.
Пропущен артикль: it can affect a career

their knowledge in digital sphere.
Пропущен артикль: their knowledge in the digital sphere.

employee should follow
Пропущен артикль: an employee should follow

i am strongly believe
Допустимо два варианта: I strongly believe и i am strongly believed

technology development in modern world.
Пропущен артикль: technology development in the modern world.

К5. Орфография и пунктуация. (0 из 2)

In this essay i will try
Пропущена запятая после вводной конструкции. Кроме того, местоимение «я» обозначается прописной буквой: In this essay, I will try

bacause electronic devises
Правильно: because

electronic devises
Правильно: electronic devices

you can create a web-site
Правильно: you can create a website

Digital literay is important for everyone
Правильно: Digital literacy is important for everyone

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