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Some people believe that students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are a lot of problems concerning education. Some people believe that pupils should be allowed to learn subjects they need whereas other think students must learn all the subjects.

In my opinion, the choice of subjects is a great idea. To begin with, if you do not want to become a medicine, you do not need to learn foreign languages or math. So, you can do your best in chemistry and biology without wasting your time learning subjects you do not need. Secondly, pupils will be happier if they learn subjects they are interested in. As a result, student will be satisfied and will not be depressed.

However, there exist another point of view on this topic.

In their opinion, children should not be allowed to study what they want to. Firstly, pupils can become lazier if they are allowed to do less. For example, student can choose the easiest subjects for him and it would not broaden his horizons of mind. Also, people must know the base of each subject for leaving.

That may be true but the process of education must be a pleasure for pupil and it is better for him if he explore what he like. And the base of each subject human can learn on practice or find that information in the Internet. Pupil do not have to waste his time in school at the lesson of each subject.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this topic, i believe that it is a great idea for education. it is better to learn what you like whether do not like what you do.


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