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Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will disappear (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is a well-known fact that online reading became very popular. some people believe that public libraries will lost their relevance and disappear someday while others think that online libraries cannot replace their ancestor.

If you ask me, public libraries will be in demand forever. Firstly, there are a lot of people who likes reading but does not know how to do this on the Internet. That is why they always go to the city library. Secondly, there are a lot of advertising that irritates us and we find salvation in paper books. Moreover, you can meet people with the same preferences in literature and talk to them in person in the library.

It is still could be argued that there is a little choice of books and journals in the library and there is no point in going there if you want to read something unpopular.

I cannot totally agree with this point of view as I am convinced that modern libraries have books for everybody.

Finally, you always can order the book in the library if you have not found it there.

To sum up, I would like to say that public libraries will exist forever and there are always those who likes going to there.


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