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Some students think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Being a teacher is one of the most difficult jobs. It requires a lot of abilities like communication skills as well as knowledge of physiology. Some people think that the main aim of teachers is to make studying process appealing to everyone, while others think that it is not necessary.

In my opinion, studying is really hard work. Children have to memorise a lot of information. For example, the best way to teach young students a foreign language is by playing games. In this way, they practice the language through speaking and listening and learn new words and idioms much more easily. In addition, teaching students in a creative way teachers get feedback from students. It will really motivate teachers to develop their teaching skills.

However, there are some people with the opposite opinion.They claim that it might disorient children, as studying is a serious process , which requires a lot of hard work and no fun. If lessons are fun, children will not take them seriously. Children find them too easy and do not concentrate in a proper way.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. If lessons are interesting everybody feels relaxed and the atmosphere is very friendly. Students are not afraid that the rest of the class will laugh at them if they make a mistake.

To sum up, although studying and teaching might seem hard work, I strongly believe that lessons are to bring enjoyment for children. Obviously, it is the teacher then who has to decide which way to teach the subject.


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