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Childhood is the safest period of human life example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is not a secret that nowadays people are more and more interested in the role of childhood in human life. Some people claim that childhood is a quiet time, while others think that it is a dangerous period in our life.

In my opinion, childhood is the safest period of human life, because children have not a lot of responsibilities as adults. Moreover, they can make so many mistakes and do not get the strong punishment, so children don't have an experience.

However, some people are sure that childhood is a dangerous period in our life. Firstly, if they can make an incorrect decision in youth, their lives will can be worse. Secondly, some children are energetic and parents сan not keep an eye on their kid, so children can get lost.

Actually, I do not agree with the opponentꜝs opinion because children can change a wrong decision and do your best for it.

What is more, most parents can look after children well and their lives are safe.

In conclusion, I would like to say that idea of in the role of childhood in human life is a very popular. Childhood is the best time in our life and we should appreciate it!


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