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IELTS essay: What is your reaction to this new program of study, given the arguments for specialized and generalized approaches to higher education? Write an essay in which you express your opinion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are two oppositional approaches to education: specialized and generalized. But how can we solve the dilemma: which one is better?

As for me, it is much better to be a “specialist’, because a person should be a professional in his or her field and this is first and furthermost. It is simply impossible to flourish in all fields of life, but those who know “something about everything” will not success. That is why getting higher education means gaining some vocational skills and experience. I mean, if all people are dilettantes, what will await our world in future?

Sure, in the constantly developing world everyone should have some background knowledge except of professional skills. Most employers nowadays require versatile people with an ability to multitasking.

There is also a plenty of qualities one should have to achieve success, that is why some universities tend to pursue a well-rounded education and make “jacks-of-all-trades” from their students. But from my point of view, it is much more necessary for a graduate to be a highly qualified specialist in one field of life, as all other personal qualities and life experience can be gained later.

Moreover, focusing education on only one filed of science does not necessarily mean being ignorant of the rest. We can develop ourselves after graduating. For example, if a person wants to enrich his or her mind or learn something new, it is always available to attend some vocational courses or read special literature.

To sum it up, I would like to point out that at first a person should be an expert and have good professional skills, that is why a specialized approach to education seems to me more advantageous.


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