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Following fashion trends is a waste of time and money (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

A lot of people believe? that following fashion trends is a waste of time and money. And that it is better to stick to your own tastes and spend precious time on loved ones. On the contrary others say, that following is important essential. People must follow the new trends or they will fall behind from time to time and society.

Personally, I believe that following fashion trends, people risk wasting their time and money. First, trends are constantly changing, because people are spending a huge amount of their savings at the risk of being completely penniless. Secondly, spending a lot of time on fashion people can lose relationships in their family or with friends, that may be very important to them.

However, there are people who hold the opposite opinion.

They say, that fashion is an important part of a modern and smart person. So are people who sold the opposite opinion, also many people believe, that following fashion is necessary to be acceptable in society.They say we usually judge strangers by the clothes they wear, because it is the only thing we know about them. And people who do not want to follow this can become completely ugly and undeveloped people.

I'm afraid I can't agree with the arguments of my opponents. In our time, the individuality of each person is very important, which distinguishes him from everyone and which is absent, when following fashion and general rules. And I do not agree with the fact, that people who do not wear fashionable things are not beautiful and not developed, because a person's beauty and intelligence depend not on his clothes and appearance, but on his skill and character.

To sum up, I can say, that fashion can't make you happy, smart and beautiful, because it's just fashion it can take you a lot of time and money, that is important to you and your family and friendship. Our clothes should be similar to our soul, and that it is not necessary to spend amounts of money on designer clothes. In the modern world, it is very important to follow fashion trends, because " Beauty will save the world". But if you really like fashion trends, there's nothing wrong with that. There are advantages to everything and everyone has their own choice.


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